Author Archives: fnfcc
March Newsletter
Dear Parents,
The woodland creatures from THE MITTEN materialized larger than life as beautiful masks and headpieces created by the children were completed. Five separate acting companies presented engaging performances. Some highlights included the various Grandma Babas clicking their knitting needles while rocking away; delighted Nickis catching their airborne mittens and then bringing them home a bit puzzled by the disparity in sizes; and the adorable animals squishing into the “mitten” dropped in the snow. Take a minute to peek at the wall displays to see the highlights.
We are now deep into multiple mysteries! Fingerprints are being analyzed, shoe prints might lead the way, spy binoculars and walkie talkies assist in seeking information. Clever detectives and investigators are lurking around every corner trying to solve the current mystery. Who did it? What could it be? Where did it come from? When was it last seen? How did it happen?
We are assembling all of our investigative tools and honing our questioning and skills before the teachers begin to “plant” more complex mysteries in the school. We have set up a “Mystery of the Day” table and hope to continue it throughout the study. So far we have explored an emu egg shell, wallpaper scraper, physical therapy hand exerciser and a piece of dragon fruit. If you have any interesting and mysterious objects we would love adding them to the line up!
We are also working on a community mystery hunt. We will soon give you a photo of FnF and a set of clues to search for matching photos in a variety of local businesses and services. Once all of the locations have been found a surprise will be waiting at the last stop.
We will notify 9 News if we will be closed due to bad winter weather. It sometimes takes awhile for schools to be listed on television but a listing pops up pretty quickly on their website, so check there as well. If you are not sure you are also always welcome to call Sandy @ 720-220-2187 or Janet @ 303-818-4842.
May 10 – Mother’s Day Tea – 10:30 –11:30 OR 2:30 – 3:30pm (depending on your child’s school schedule)Calling all moms! Please be sure you attend this special event. Your child will be at your “beck and call” for part of this day. Bring your child at their regular time. And then you will return to enjoy a special treat at 10:30 OR at 2:30. – Tea and treats served by your children. Details will be posted on the front door soon. MW families please talk with Sandy or Janet regarding which times to attend on Thursday morning or afternoon. Due to our limited space and the fact that this is a special celebration for your child attending Friends ‘n Fun, siblings or other family members will not be able to attend. We hope that you understand and if you can’t make it, we can talk about who might be able to come so your child feels they are a part of our Mother’s Day Tea.
May 24 – End of Year Potluck Picnic – La Monte Does Park. Details to follow.
May 28 – Memorial Day – school closed
May 30 – 31 – Last Day of School (summer begins June 4)
June 1 – 2 – Parent Teacher Conferences
Please watch the parent bulletin board for a sign up sheet to attend a conference on one of these days. Conferences will be 20 minutes each. Times will be offered from 8am – 1pm on Friday; and from 8am – 11am and 12pm -3pm on Saturday.
We will be closed on March 28 and 29 for spring break.
Teachers are working away on each child’s portfolio to present to you at the May conference. The portfolio fee which assists us in the cost of production materials was due in November. We still have quite a few out so please check your records and turn yours in so we can keep the ball rolling! Thanks!ENROLLMENT FORMS
Thank you for the timely return of your enrollment requests for the upcoming Summer and Fall. Everything looks good and we will be sending out confirmations soon.
Welcome to the new Web Site
Hi everyone.
Thanks for checking out the new web site. Please have a look around and let us know what else you would like to see on the site. See you all soon!