Dear Parents,
It is with gratitude that we here at FnF are privileged to begin this long awaited New Year with all of you and your inspirational children! Speaking of the children – we wrapped up our Study of the Wind right before the Winter Break. What a rich and wonderful experience it was for all! The children became interested in knowing about so many different aspects of the wind as well as creating things to observe and measure and play with the wind. Some groups made wind socks, wind indicators, anemometers and pinwheels. Others tested different materials to see how a kite works. They then evaluated their results and settled on tried and true designs. We talked about lift, wind speed and how to tell the direction of the wind. We “captured” the wind and became more conscious of this invisible force. Powerful winds were of great interest to the older children as they learned what weather conditions create the possibility of tornados. This learning was followed up with mini-worlds that included a 3-dimensional tornado that swooped in, and in the words of the children, “did damage and destruction!” Thank you to Gilberto, the little boy in the story “Gilberto and the Wind,” for leading the way!
We now have a New Year and a new Study! The teachers interviewed the children about their interests before settling on the next focus. We gathered a multitude of different thoughts and ideas and as we stirred them up in our “planning pot” we wanted to find a way to honor the variety and still connect them under a unifying “umbrella.” Adventures in Imagination came to mind and we tossed it out to the children who enthusiastically okayed the idea!
So we are off on a New Journey! We asked the children to describe Imagination: “Imagination helps you think of something cool to make.” “Imagination helps you have an idea of something to do.” “Imagination is in your head.” “It’s pretend.” “Imagination helps you have ideas.” “Its like part of books and stuff. You make up stuff in your imagination.” “Imagination helps me think about building a fort.” “Its in your brain.” “Sometimes it feels real but it isn’t true.” “ Sometimes imagination can make you feel scared.”
We will have such fun and learn lots along the way as we follow our amazing Imaginations wherever they lead!
Studio Discovery Friday is now exploring the concept of SHAPE. Of course basic shapes will be part of our exploration but that will just scratch the surface as we look at shapes in nature and structures and light and shadow and – well – just about everything, because Shape and Shapes are everywhere!
Happy New Year to All!!!! Be Well, Jane, Katey and Janet
A Calendar Reminder: FnF will be closed for Martin Luther King day on Monday January 18th. All closure dates are listed in your September newsletter.
When the Snow Flies Reminder: In the event of heavy snow and/or ice please check your email the night before and the morning of a snow storm. If we are uncertain about closure or a late start due to watching how a storm evolves we will notify you the night before and then confirm our decision the next morning by 7 AM. If you need to check in with one of us please text or call Janet or Jane.
Valentine’s Day: We will celebrate Valentine’s day in the same manner in which we celebrated Halloween! Details will come in early February.